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Civil Society Policy Forum (Bali)

Leading or Following: Shaping the Fight for Tax Justice


The Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation (ICRICT) with Oxfam International, FriedrichEbert-Stiftung, Financial Transparency Coalition, The South Centre organize this panel during the Civil Society Policy Forum October 9-12, 2018 World Bank Group / IMF 2018 Annual Meetings in Bali.

Organizers: ICRICT, OXFAM, FTC (Financial Transparency Coalition)


Illicit financial flows strip resources from developing countries that could be used to finance much-needed public services and weaken their financial systems and economic potential.  Governments feel also forced to compete against each other in attracting corporate investment, by lowering corporate tax rates or offering wasteful incentives. Retaining and taxing resources could contribute towards reducing income inequality, strengthening human rights, and boosting the implementation of the SDGs.

The global tax agenda has made significant progress and more reforms have been launched in the past 4 years than over the last century, but the current international tax rules and architecture remain still inadequate and excludes developing countries from shaping norms that affect them directly.

This session will review some of the alternative solutions to go beyond global tax reforms that are now been discussed, to which IMF and WB are contributing and even challenging. The session will also discuss how to mobilize political consensus to end the race to the bottom. Improving and reforming the taxation system will require strengthening cooperation at the global, regional and sub-regional levels, to reach consensus towards alternative and more effective solutions.

Wayne Swan will represent ICRICT at this panel, at 2.00-3.30pm on Thursday 11 October.

Wayne Swan will also feature as a speaker in the 4pm panel led by Oxfam: "Reducing Inequality for the SDGs: Are Governments on the Right Path and are IFIs Helping Them get There? Oxfam International and Development Finance International with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, ITUC, New Rules for Global Finance" 

You download the whole program here